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Time Magazine Article, HP’s Mark Hurd: Who Will Hire the Ousted CEO?

Nearly two weeks after the Hewlett-Packard (HP) board ousted Mark Hurd, CEO of the computer and printermaker, the whole ordeal is still raising more questions than it has answered. An internal probe about a sexual-harassment claim against Hurd, made by marketing consultant Jodie Fisher, concluded that Hurd did not violate HP’s sexual-harassment policy. Yet Hurd […]

Top Recruiters identified as Top Trainers

Core Competency #10 – Ownership of Results and Training by Scott Loveon Jan. 1, 2007 When I was 24 years old, I was a leadership trainer as a young a naval officer. I taught Deming management methods (Total Quality Management) to thousands of officers and sailors in Norfolk, Virginia. W. Edwards Deming, one of the […]

11 common interview questions that are actually illegal

By Vivian Giang, Business Insider During job interviews, employers will try to gather as much information about you as possible, mostly through perfectly legal questioning, but sometimes through simple yet illegal questions. It’s up to the interviewee to recognize these questions for what they are. Any questions that reveal your age, race, national origin, gender, religion, […]

Master of the hunt: Charles Wadlow’s groundbreaking approach to executive search

The world of executive search is a delicate dance between corporations and potential talent, where every move is calculated and every strategy honed to perfection. Recruiting top-tier executives, however, requires a unique blend of finesse, vision, and strategy. Traditional methods are often found wanting in this demanding realm, and fresh, perhaps even more aggressive, approaches […]

Dominating the Game: Charles Wadlow’s Path to Successful Recruitment

Making one’s way through the modern marketplace feels like solving a complex puzzle. Every move leads to unique challenges, and each choice comes with its fair share of competition. In this cut-throat environment, the role of a head-hunter has taken center stage, owing to their ability to become a bridge between potential and performance, talent […]